We translate contents for control engineering

In control engineering, consistency within the assembly instructions, design drawings, and technical documentation is of particular importance. For correct execution of commands by the technical systems, every single line of text has to be in its right place. Otherwise, dangers will loom from the day of installation, let alone during the execution of procedures. That is why you need a professionally correct translation before passing your text files on to production sites or partners abroad, especially with a view to the workers' health & safety.

As a team of technical translators - Arbeitsgemeinschaft technischer Übersetzer -, we are familiar both with the desired target language and the contents of your text files. Correct use of grammar is simply not enough in such cases. Being able to translate the instructions and details correctly requires an in-depth knowledge of the technical terms in both languages. To guarantee the consistent quality of our translations, we are working according to the DIN EN ISO 17100 standard. We are glad to serve as your reliable partner.

Should you have any further questions about translations of control engineering contents, please do not hesitate to contact us at any time. We look forward to hearing from you and will be happy to help. Please feel free to call us during our office hours at +49 (0)941 87806 or simply address your e-mail message atueatue-uebersetzungen.de.


Do you need a translation?
Send us your documents and which languages you need and we will provide you with a quote by the next business day.
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