We translate your deeds, certificates and diplomas

Certificates and diplomas attest to their holders' qualities, skills and abilities. Such documents may also include commercial deeds and certificates as well as specific official documents. But no matter the source of your document: all official and public documents require the utmost attention and care, always!

As a team of technical translators -Arbeitsgemeinschaft technischer Übersetzer -, we are well familiar with the subtleties of such documents. To include seemingly unremarkable details such as watermarks, marginal notes, or authentication marks which are important elements in professional translations of documents. A translation's authentication by a publicly appointed and sworn translator is another important factor. Because without it, even a perfect translation might not be worth the paper it was written on.

High-quality translations of your certificates and diplomas

Our professional translations of documents and other certificates will help put your company in the best possible light. Especially in business with international partners, the certificates you present to them attest to your capabilities and standards of quality. An error-free translation by a native speaker allows you to share your awards with the rest of the world while instilling in your customers the confidence of being in good and trustworthy hands.

Should you have any further questions about translations of deeds, certificates and diplomas, please do not hesitate to contact us at any time. We look forward to hearing from you and will be happy to help. Please feel free to call us during our office hours at +49 (0)941 87806 or simply address your e-mail message atueatue-uebersetzungen.de.


Do you need a translation?
Send us your documents and which languages you need and we will provide you with a quote by the next business day.
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